Getting a Makeover

Hey Kittens –

I have excitement. Lots of it. Today, after six months of waiting, I can finally share CRUSHED’s new cover! I love it so hard. The boy and the blurred, foggy background are just perfect.

This book, more than any other, is the book of my heart. I spent two years working on it, trying to get inside the brain of a seventeen-year-old boy. The final version is completely different than what I started with because I rewrote it several times. And I’m happy I did, because Fletch is my favorite character out of all of them.

Okay. Enough with the rambling. Here’s the cover. The photograph was done by Slevin Aaron and the cover design by RBA Designs. Let me know what you think.



My Pinterest Life #15 – Looking Foxy

Hey All –

I’ve gotten behind in my Pinteresting posts – mainly because I’ve been busy writing Murder Madness Such Sweet Sadness. But have no fear! I’ve been Pinteresting away.

First up, Thanksgiving Food (that could also work for Christmas). I made these brussell sprouts with cranberries thinking it would combine two of my favorite foods in heavenly yumminess. They looked pretty:

But, OH MY GOD, whole cranberries are sour – which I knew, but these were nearly inedible. My vote: Pinterest FAIL.

Next up were mini tarts. I made these with a gluten-free crust, and they were delicious. Like mini-pumpkin pie tarts. The Colonel had fun helping me cut out the crusts and “snowflake” toppers.


In a fit of madness I attempted to make this cheese and meat platter. This was just one big LOL, but the Colonel and I had a blast doing it. Mine’s a little anemic looking compared to the recipe. Oh well. Still tasted good.


The big win, which I didn’t photograph was the Apple Cider Mimosas. Delicious, and I highly recommend them.

Next, the Colonel wanted to craft, so I found this cute little fox and owl ornament project. He’s eight and did it himself. I recommend this one for the ease and cuteness factor.


Finally, it’s that time of year when parties are happening. Here’s a shot of Bug and I before we headed out last weekend.  Happy holidays, Kittens.

xoxo ~dawn
