My Pinterest Life #10 – Halloween and Fireballs

Happy Halloween!

So far today, I’ve dressed Pinterest-y (leggings, boots, lots of layers), went to a flag football game, did some birthday shopping for the Fox, and made an adult beverage for a trick-or-treating after party tonight.

I don’t know how these will taste since the jello hasn’t set yet, but what I’m trying to make is Apple Cider Fireball Jello Shots. The ingredients:


And the final result (well, not so final since I have yet to taste them).

IMG_5551 They smell delicious – like mulled spice cider. Hopefully no one gags or dies when they try them tonight – LOL.

In knitting news, my cowl is coming along nicely. I haven’t had much time to work on it, but I’m almost through one skein of yarn. It’s actually larger than the picture suggests (I think it looks washcloth-sized here). I knit with size 13 circular needles and chunky yarn so what you’re seeing is only half of the piece.


Tomorrow, I tackle the birthday cake of all birthday cakes. I’m even skipping yoga (GASP) to work on it. But you only turn 12 once, and I’m determined to make up for the lame cakes of the last three years. I used to make all kinds of crazy desserts and cakes for the boys. Hopefully, my Pinterest project kicks me back into a love of baking again.

Until tomorrow, kittens. Have a safe and fun Halloween!

xoxo ~dawn

My Pinterest Life #5: A WIN!

Hey All –

I’m sitting here sweaty and gross after a nice, long yoga session trying to figure out what my Pintrest project of the day will be today. Which got me to thinking more about Pintrest and how people (women mostly) use it. Is it mostly aspirational? A catalog of possessions? A window into what you hope your life looks like to outsiders?

For me, it’s a place to catalog things I have, play around with outfit ideas, and log inspiration for my books. But I hear the phrase “Pinterest Perfect Life” more and more. What does that even mean? That you’re awesome because you and your family look good on the screen? I don’t really get it.

But of course I don’t. I’m smearing turmeric on my face and documenting it.

Anyway, back to My Pinterest Life. Yesterday, the Colonel and I made construction paper bats. Originally, we were going to hang them from the low ceiling separating the cathedral ceiling from the kitchen ceiling, but the Colonel deemed it too much work for one day because it involved a ladder, string, and patience.

But we did manage to cut out ten little bats using this template:

bat-2It was supposed to turn out like this:

Bats-and-Spiders-3 Here’s ours, minus the pumpkins:

IMG_5466Notice the Colonel peeking through the window? He said the bats were too creepy to come outside – LOL. But I’ll call this one a WIN. Easy to do with an 8-year-old and it didn’t take too long – unlike the time, pre-Pinterest, when I cut out dozens of construction paper mice to tape to our stairs and running boards. That was a Martha Stewart-induced moment of crazy.

Next up, dinner. Dinner at my house is interesting. My eldest son has been a vegetarian since age three. He’s fourteen now. Needless to say, it’s not a passing phase. Plus, I have Celiac’s and have to be extremely careful around gluten or I rash out and become very ill. My middle son hates vegetarian food, and the Colonel won’t eat rice (I live on rice). So Apricot chicken is a mainstay in our house. It’s fast, tasty, and I can make Pudge a veggie version using Gardein vegetarian chicken.

I decided to mix things up and try a new Apricot Chicken recipe. It could have gone very wrong, given that mine is a proven winner.

17d5d186747e3c2ff233071514a098fdAfter getting everything going, I realized I didn’t have any apricot jam – only peach. Guess what? My picky-eating crew didn’t even notice. Another Pinterest WIN.

Lastly, I worked on my knitted cowl on-and-off yesterday, tearing it out, redoing it, and tearing it out again. I didn’t like how it draped with a seed stitch. Finally, I decided to double strand the yarn and do a basic knit and purl pattern. About five rows in, I dropped on of the strands of yarn and continued knitting so that the collar part is stiffer, but the rest of it will drape. At least I hope.

Yeah, so that was My Pinterest Life yesterday. All WINS.

Until next time, kittens,


My Pinterest Life #4: Oil Pulling…WHAT?

Hey All,

I must love you. Really, I must. Why else would I continue to use myself as a human guinea pig? Perhaps something’s off in my brain? Who knows. Either way, I’m actually enjoying trying all these gross things.

Yesterday I didn’t think I’d get any Pinteresting done. I spent the day running errands and minding children. Oh, and going to yoga. But then I got the kids into bed and, since Bug is out-of-town, had time to experiment.

First up, THIS:

FullSizeRenderThat’s egg yolk, olive oil, and honey – with a basting brush because how else do you put such a concoction on your face? At this point Pudge came down to the kitchen to check on me.

“Are you putting egg yolk on your face?”

“Yes. Yes, I am.”

“You’re weird.” And back upstairs he went.

I beat everything together and took it into the bathroom. Despite the honey, it was a runny mess. The mixture dripped into my eyes and mouth. It was gross. I literally had egg on my face.

And I looked like this:


But I was supposed to look like this:

c885ab5b8fa5ab26215d5c28c7165242I waited 30 minutes, and it still hadn’t dried, so I washed the mess off. My skin looked and felt the same. I judge this one a PINTEREST FAIL.

Next up, THE GROSSEST FREAKING THING I’VE DONE: Coconut Oil Pulling. I have no pictures of this one, but you can watch this video:

Basically, you plop a glop of coconut oil in your mouth and swish it around for 20 minutes. Let me say this, I have zero gag reflex, ZERO, and this made me want to heave. I don’t know if it was the texture or what, but it was gross. Still, I stuck with it, swishing for 20 minutes. My tongue, jaw and cheeks got a workout and were tired by the end, and I couldn’t wait to spit that stuff out. The supposed benefits is that it brightens your teeth (mine are already very white naturally, so that didn’t appeal to me), gets rid of harmful bacteria, and improves over all health.

I’m not sold, and I will never do that again. HUGE FAIL.

Finally, I did something I used to love but have lost touch with: knitting. I had to go into the basement and heave my six boxes (Yes, I’m a yarn horder) off a high shelf (and spill the contents of one box everywhere), but it was fun. Like catching up with an old friend. I used to knit everything – including the Colonel’s baptism outfit. Hats, scarves, sweaters, booties, socks, stockings. I made it all. My shining, most lasting piece is the Colonel’s nigh-night blanket. That thing is on its last legs, but neither the Colonel nor me are ready to part with it.

I decided to start with a simple project – a chunky seed stitch cowl.

67f9a390815477829b69b9a0c82c1b60This one is similar in color, but with a different stitch.

Here’s the start of mine:

FullSizeRender copyIt’s too early to tell if this is a fail or not, but I’m enjoying it. It’s fun to hear something click-clack other than my computer.

So today’s total: 2 Fails and 1 undecided.

Until next time, kittens.

xoxo ~dawn