My Pinterest Life #12 – In Which I Fail

Hey All –

Always being on with Pinterest is HARD. Decorating, face slathering, outfit building, and crafting 24/7 is exhausting when piled on top of real life – like boys who need attention, food that needs cooking, and yoga (ha, ha, ha). Then I watched the video below. It’s heartbreaking, but it makes me wonder, how many of us adults think like this now?

If only I had the perfect Facebook photo of X event?

Do I look good enough in my selfie? No? Do over and re-filter.

How can I make my life look perfect to the outside world?

I found myself asking those questions as my family hiked yesterday. Re-taking photos and thinking about how it would look on Facebook. Basically being shallow.

I encourage you to watch the video below. Especially if you have teens on social media. Life isn’t all about the likes and shares and ‘friends,’ it’s about experiences and being present in the moment.

xoxo ~dawn

Paris Day 12: Sales and Depression

For those that don’t know, July in France means one important thing: Sale Season. Twice a year, the entire country hosts sales for a month. During this time, you can find amazing deals – and since Bug and I love to shop, it’s been like dropping two drug addicts off in the middle of crack den.

Yesterday, I met my friend Veronica for early afternoon drinks while Bug took a little down time. Being here has been good for him, and I’ve actually seen him smile for the first time in probably eight months. No more mean, scowling pictures posted on Instagram or Facebook, but real, genuine smiles. And laughter. I haven’t heard my husband laugh in months. Someday, when I have more clarity, I’ll tell you the story of what’s happened to us since his accident nearly two years ago, but for now, I’m thrilled I can say that he’s slowly climbing out of his depression and fog, and getting the help he needs here in Paris.

While I was out, he texted to say he’d bought me a surprise. I was pretty sure I knew what it was, because the morning he arrived, he mentioned a dress he saw on the way from the Metro to the apartment that remind him of me. And I knew the exact dress because it had caught my eye. So when I returned home, he had this waiting for me:

In the Tuilleries, enjoying a warm day. Yeah, I do like to dress like a manic art teacher, so what?

And then I took myself out for a little more shopping and came home with these:

Marc Jacobs bag – on sale. Could Not Resist.
Orange! My favorite color.

Really, today was mostly shopping and eating and talking. Nothing too exciting.

But to all the friends and family who have reached out to me over the past several months, concerned about Bug and his behavior, worried about the state of his erratic mind and my well-being, thank you. Things are going to get better. They already are.

The smile I love.